Author: J'More  //  Category: Rumors


According to PageSix, Jay-Z performed at the University of Arizona for $750,000 last month and demanded that they hook him up with a black Maybach with tinted windows, a 72-degree dressing room with Sapporo beer, vodka, tequila, two bottles of $300 champagne, “good quality” peanut butter and jelly, one martini shaker, 12 shot glasses and Malboros.  DAMN! But, instead the school played him and just gave him his check.

Wow, Jay was acting like he was performing at the Grammy’s! Anywhoo, WTF is “good quality” peanut butter and jelly anyway?! Jay needs to stop frontin’ like he wasn’t eating Jiffy’s and Smuckers before he blew up!


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One Response to “IS JAY-Z ASKING FOR TOO MUCH?!”

  1. Heyo Says:

    Every artist is asking for such requests. Rihanna, Mariah or Beyonce are even worser. I do not blame the aritsts, at the end of the day its the management business.

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