Posted by LexAve
In Blind Item
14Jan 08

Rewind:We told you last year that he only married her because she had name status. He tells friends, he’s not really attracted to her but her perks allow him to go to industry events, eat in fine restaurants and meet his favorite celebrities.He started going to swinger clubs to add spice to his marriage, at least this is what he told his wife. One evening, she decided to accompany him. She was devastated, despite her fame, no one at the club wanted to swing with her because they considered her too unattractive.

Meanwhile, hubby disappeared and couldn’t be found the entire evening. It was assumed that he was getting his freak on in a private room.

Fast Forward:

Things haven’t gotten any better. Hubby is now more open and brazen with his numerous indiscretions and our female celebrity recently complained to her friends that she keeps receiving hang-ups on her land line. Her friends try to make her see the light but she refuses to even consider divorce. She doesn’t want to be alone.

Hubby considers himself a kept man and he spends what money she has, entertaining his other women.

Hubby has also gone buck wild, openly flaunting other women in person and trolling internet sites for sex hookups not to mention his sex club and swinger appearances from coast to coast. He seems to be sleeping with everyone but his wife.

She has become really depressed regarding his embarrassing and disrespectful behavior.

Hubby has her so brainwashed that she’s convinced, no one else wants her but him.

Hubby was once overheard telling a friend, “I’m not married, she is.”

Our female celebrity has burned so many bridges in Hollywood in regards to bouncing checks to her hairdresser, publicist, stylist, etc., that some people are happy that hubby is putting her through this public humiliation and shame.

Whenever her family tells her to divorce him, her constant reply is: “Divorce is not an option,” he will have to leave me first.”



  1. kdeezy, January 14, 2008:

    Star Jones & Big Gay Al

  2. cocoa, January 14, 2008:

    yes star jones

  3. Necole Bitchie, January 14, 2008:

    This had Star written all over it until they brought other women into the equation

  4. Iman, January 14, 2008:

    Hell yeah, Necole! Lmao. Al don’t want no woman.

  5. Brook, January 14, 2008:


  6. Raeyah, January 19, 2008:

    Miss Jones…and her “I married her for the industry and money” husband.

  7. cosmo, January 20, 2008:

    Monique-Stupid trying to justify swinging…Star just has to justify Al being gay as all hell

  8. DanteFrost, January 20, 2008:

    No I think this is janet jackson “JACKSON” famous family is famous, j.dupree was not on the level like other producers and rappers…. Janet was a bosst but only temporary………..janet keeps her life very secret but you know she is a freak and without proper makeup one can only guess how she looks?????????????

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