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Here’s the mugshot of Baby’s rumored 18 year old wife, Brittany Williams…pretty cute but is this the face of an 18 year old. Shorty looks a bit runned down, don’t cha think?? Let me find out Baby is on some R.Kelly tip, hollering at lil’ girls. I say rumored because Baby recently spoke to MTV News and told his side of the marijuana bust. He even denies being married to this chick.

“I’m not married,” he insisted. “Never! Been! Married! Plus, that girl was 18! I don’t get down like that! Plus, if I was married, why would I keep it a secret?” However, he did allow that perhaps the right woman could make an honest man out of him one day.

See peoples, she ain’t wifey…she’s just a jump off chick at the moment.
As for the arrest:

“We was on the bus. I was asleep in the back,” he said. “Why they pulled us over, I don’t know. The people are making the situation out worse than what it is. We got arrested for a misdemeanor amount of [marijuana] — we didn’t have no pound. The police just found something minor in a garbage can the dog sniffed. We all got out on bond.”


Posted under H.A.M. by LexAve

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