T.I. got straight sonned today! Clifford was supposed to have his day in an ATL court this afternoon, but a federal magistrate deaded that plan, denied his bond and delayed the hearing until Friday. WOOZERS! They really treating T.I. like the #1 enemy here. Word is prosecutors wanna keep him locked up until his trial day, which is like months away. It wont be till Friday where the magistrate will decide whether there was probable cause for Harris’ arrest and whether he will qualify to be released on bail before the trial. And just this afternoon, the ATF showcased the guns seized in the case. Talk about gangsta! This dude was really preppin’ for war and getting ready to body someone.

Stupid!! Why would he need to buy those weapons? What war zone is he living in? Record career, family living large, he has no excuse . I for one have no sympathy for such a foolish decision. He wasn’t set up! He committed a crime and now he must do the crime.
by: straight talk, Oct 16th at 8:22 am
Was he going to look for Bin Ladin or something??? What in hell did he need with all those guns??? That was his own stupidity that got him caught. They always cry “set up” when they get caught, but that is the chance you take when you doing illegal sh-t. I hope this is a rude awakening for the other so called “gangsta’s”. He is definitely doing time behind this!!
by: Sarita, Oct 16th at 6:04 pm
People who smoke Mary Jane shouldn’t have guns like that in the house…..especially with kids in the house……
by: MzDetroit, Oct 16th at 10:26 pm
what the fuck what the fuck????!!! all these damn weapons man????!!! damn you stupid!!!!! T.I. always stay in trouble!!!! I don’t understand this shit!!!!
by: oooo man, Oct 19th at 12:01 am
damn my nigga going that way
by: lesley jones, Oct 24th at 9:51 pm
TI my nigga u gonna do time…what u did was fucking stupid…if u was a real gangsta u ass would not have got caught!
by: O shit!, Oct 25th at 7:37 pm