Author: LexAve  //  Category: Contests


StraightOuttaNYC is back at it again with another giveaway! This time 3 lucky readers will score Kia Shine’s debut album Due Season. To be a winner, you must leave a comment! It’s that simple!

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10 Responses to “KRISPY GIVEAWAYS!”

  1. keah Says:


  2. Travis Says:


    You Already Know Who It Is

  3. John Says:

    Holla at me!

  4. deanya Says:

    he suxz ass !

  5. kaykay Says:

    i like this guy i liked the song/video he came out with but i haven’t been seeing it much

  6. DennLive Says:

    Gotta be in in to win it…Actually if i remember right he had a joint with 8-Ball and MJG that was tight….

  7. nicky Says:

    kia-shine is crispy. he’s a good look!

  8. lauren Says:

    i’m so krispy

  9. queenie Says:

    Haha y’all better giveaway alot more than 3, cuz that’s about all his sales. lol

  10. kaykay Says:

    who won the giveaway

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