While the world may be going gaga for Lady Gaga, legend Grace Jones isn’t a fan of the pop star. When asked how she felt about the singer, she told UK’s Guardian newspaper,
“I really don’t think of her at all. I go about my business. Adding, “Well, you know, I’ve seen some things she’s worn that I’ve worn, and that does kind of piss me off,”
Apparently, Lady Gaga desperately wanted to collaborate with Miss Jones—but she turned her down with the quickness.
“Yes, she did, but I said no,” Grace said. “I’d just prefer to work with someone who is more original and someone who is not copying me, actually.”
Grace kept it real funky, but I wonder how she feels about Rihanna? And Akon is a dummy if he thinks Lady Gaga’s swag is original ’cause it’s pretty evident where she gets her inspiration from. Need a reminder?…
I think this says it all…