With hip-hop renditions, high energy, and an eclectic ensemble PhonyPpl captivated the crowd from jump. The group’s performance consisted of a mixture between cuts off their album WTF is Phonyland and covers of other artists.
Unfortunately the audience didn’t give back what PhonyPpl put in. The crowd’s energy waned throughout the set and never seemed to match the energy displayed by PhonyPpl until the group began to play covers of other artists.
Once Theophilus London hit the stage the crowd got live! The hometown native opened with a couple cuts off his Lover’s Holiday (EP). Midway through the set, London noted that he was having trouble with the sound, which was cutting out his vocals for the people in back. This doomed London’s set – ultimately cut short by the audio personnel at the museum after a reported “verbal confrontation” between them and London.
London was able to salvage the show however by tossing out exclusive hats, t-shirts, fake money (yes, fake 1 million dollar bills) into the audience and closing with songs by precursor Brooklyn natives. Who doesn’t love freebies?! But his sudden departure went unnoticed as the audience descended upon the stage and the party popped off.
Words by Chike
Photography by Sade