Peep some of the excerpts:
Being perceived a hoe:
I spoke to people, asking why do I constantly get ridiculed. Is it because I was a stripper?…But they said, “No, people don’t care about that, it’s that they think that you’re with all these men, when you’re not.” I’m only taking that from certain people that I spoke to. Maybe it’s that too, or that I’m very comfortable with my body. I can be topless on Miami Beach, that doesn’t make me a whore. That’s an everyday thing on Miami Beach. It’s just such a big deal because I’m in the public eye.
Falling for Wiz Khalifa:
We exchanged numbers over Twitter…I chilled with him for two weeks. We didn’t kiss or nothing. Then he left for Pittsburgh and when he left I was so lost without him. He has to come back, I just miss him, and I don’t look at him like a little brother…He’s just so positive. He’s one of those people that in any situation he can always see the brighter side to something. And he always has a smile on his face, he’s never in a bad mood, he’s super talented and smart, he’s a boss. Just being around him I realized he’s not no little boy like I thought he was. He’s a grown man about his business. His music alone, he’s not in the same circle as those other dudes, he’s on some other shit. So when he left we just talked on the phone constantly and that’s when we realized we were really falling for each other. And I was like when this young boy gets back from Pittsburgh; he is definitely getting some…definitely [laughs].
Dating Wiz Khalifa vs. Kanye West:
“There’s no comparison in personalities. You know when people say how do you go from Kanye to Wiz Khalifa, that’s a downgrade. But the only question I can ask them is: have you ever dated Kanye? Because I have, and believe me, I did not downgrade at all. Not in any aspect, at all.”
KING-MAG TV: AMBER ROSE from Billet Video Studios (DnkonDnks) on Vimeo.
Props to S.Malcolm