Say it ain’t so Mario! Earlier this morning, R&B singer Mario was arrested in Baltimore for allegedly assaulting his mother in their apartment. According to TMZ, Mario’s mother Shawntia Hardaway told five-0 that he had been “throwing and damaging property” and also pushed her around a few times. The cops also found a few broken items inside the apartment–including a broken china cabinet, a busted mirror and a hole in the closet door. And it seems like this isn’t the first time Mario has put his hands on his mother. She also told the cops that he attacked her earlier this week, pushing her “eight feet into a living room wall”, which caused her to hit her head on the wall. WOW…I’m speechless!
Check out Mario’s mugshot…doesn’t look too bad ‘eh?
I’m at a loss for words. Can’t believe this is the same Mario who made it his goal to help kick his mother’s heroine addiction. Damn, what made homeboy snap?
I pray she is not using again. Why she didn’t call the cops the first time and maybe it would not have been a second time.
by: amiwright, Oct 6th at 2:33 pm