Earlier this week, news of a Rutger’s University freshman who committed suicide after his roommate exposed his sexual encounters with another man on the Internet spread like wildfire. Cyberbullying is becoming a major problem in the United States especially with the increase use of social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. Well, MTV wants those who are being targeted to know that it’s not the end of the world–literally. Nicki Minaj is the latest celebrity to join MTV’s ongoing “A Thin Line” initiative– aimed at individuals who believe they’re being cyberbullied or are looking for ways to stop digital harassment. Young Money’s first lady shared a few words of encouragement for her gay fans with MTV News,
“I would encourage my gay fans to be fighters and to be brave. People face difficulties, no matter who you are. I faced difficulties with a lot of things. I face opposition every day, but I didn’t kill myself and now, thank God, I’m here. So I want my life to be a testimony to my fans and my gay fans.
Fast forward to 0:54 where she just goes blank, trying to figure out what else to say. It’s kind of hilarious.
Sidebar: What’s up with Nicki’s lacefront? I prefer to see her in wigs with a bang. #justmyopinion
She would have been better off saying fuck em. Yeah and that lace front ain’t her. Does she really talk like that.
by: amiwright, Oct 6th at 2:40 pm