NPR’s Zoe Chace, in her report on Hill, says that before the interview she is told not to touch the singer or look her in the eye, and that Hill, instead of addressing people directly, sometimes writes directions on a post-it note and sticks it on people’s chests. Chace says that she didn’t actually expect to get an interview but was pleasantly surprised when Hill tells her to get in her car after a show. She says Hill appears to be “very sane, very serious, still so beautiful.”Chace asks Hill why she stopped putting out albums, and Hill replies that “There were a number of different reasons, but partly, y’know, the support system that I needed was not necessarily in place. There were things about myself, things that I needed to go through and experience, in order for me to feel like it was worth it.”
Hill, who grew up listening to male vocalists such as Jackie Wilson, Donny Hathaway, and Stevie Wonder, says she’s looking for ways to increase her vocal range.
“Most people have never really heard me sing-sing-sing,” Hill says. “If I do record next time, perhaps there will be an expanded context. People can hear a bit more.”
Hill, who has five children, also tells NPR that she may be ready to record some new material, now that her kids are starting to grow up. “I think it’s just time, and I’m starting to get excited again,” Hill says. Source
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“I’m starting to get excited again. Believe it or not, I think what people are attracted to about me, if anything, is my passion.”
Thanks MissJia
she makin moves back #JAYZEMINEM
by: Bing15, Sep 12th at 3:56 pm