Check out Diddy’s interview with ABC’s Nightline where Martin Bashir, the same dude who made Michael Jackson really look like a pedophile in an interview years ago. Martin question’s Diddy’s parenting skills, Biggie’s death and whether or not he’d put his name on anything just to make money. Peep Diddy’s response ’cause from the look on his face he seemed tight. But, ya gotta love Martin Bashir for keeping it real and not kissing Diddy’s a$$ like any other interviewer would’ve done.
Martin: You’ve talked about wanting to be the black James Bond. You’ve talked about wanting to be someone that kids want to emulate. Aren’t you setting a bad example by being a man with multiple children and multiple mothers?
Diddy: I think it depends on how you look at it. You know? All of my kids are well taken care of, they all go to the best schools.
Martin: But you don’t live with them?
Diddy: All of the mothers are taken care of.
Martin: Financially?
Diddy: Financially. And I’m there for my children, as a father.
Martin: Do you think it was appropriate to buy you’re 16 year old son a Maybach car worth almost $400,000?
Diddy: Yeah. I think it’s appropriate to give my kids whatever I want to give my kids. I feel the way I raise my children, I don’t have to explain to you or anyone else, ’cause nobody knows the way I raise my children.
Martin: Do you think it was a valuable lesson for a child to learn about the value of money?
Diddy: It wasn’t even about a lesson. It’s what I wanted to do. I can do whatever I want to do with my children and you can’t question me about it. Nobody can question me about what I do with my children.
Fast forward towards the end of the interview to hear Diddy’s explanation of “Mind-F*cking” to ABC’s Martin Bashir…and don’t overlook the “Hard core gangsta rapper” question Martin poses to Diddy. But wait…when in the hell was Diddy ever a “hard core rapper” let alone a “rapper”? Really wish ABC did their research on this one! #imjustsayin