When it comes to the ladies, Drake has a hard time keeping himself from falling hard. Just recently he revealed to the New York Times that Rihanna hurt him. Anywhoo, for a while I’ve had this gut feeling that Drake wants to be more than just friends with his Young Money labelmate, Nicki Minaj and evidently I was right! In a recent interview with MTV, while clearing up rumors that he and Nicki are smashin’, he ended up admitting that he wouldn’t mind making her wifey–if she lets him. He says,
“Me and Nicki have a really playful relationship. When I was on tour … I saw Nicki for the first time and, like, literally fell in love. She had this snap-back hat on that said ‘Minaj.’ She used to wear that every single day. She was like a theater student and she was so cold at rapping. Adding, “I’ve always really, actually, really had a crush on her, always really loved her, and she’s always just looked at me as, like, her little brother.”
So is Drake trying to tell Nicki something in his track “Miss Me” off his debut album Thank Me Later–where he talks about wifing her up?!
He spits,
“I love Nicki Minaj/ I told her I’d admit it/ I hope one day we get married just to say we f—ing did it/ And girl, I’m f—ing serious/ I’m with it if you with it/ ‘Cause your verses turn me on and your pants are mighty fitted”
Well, according to Drizzy, it’s just a line and it’s really not that serious.
“That line on the album is just me playing with her. I’ll be playing with her for years until she’s ready to go, and then I’m ready,” said Drake.
Peep Nicki’s response to Drake crushin’ on her…let’s just say she doesn’t see him as Ken material.
Do you think Drake and Nicki would make a cute couple?!
Nooooooooo! Lol but I got this feeling they are having sex
by: Tiffany.Y, Jun 14th at 7:36 pm
no but that crazy if they do
by: khadijah, Jun 14th at 11:46 pm
No she and me make a good couple and i doubt they having sex cause erebody and young money act like family and gudda gudda looks like he would whoop ass for her and lil wayne is 2 busy nuttin on shannel
by: SirStonedAlot, Jun 21st at 2:33 pm
I think they would look good together, and Drake is just so sweet to Nicki. One day she’ll wake up and relize he really really loves her….I hope.
by: Cookie, Jul 6th at 5:09 pm
I think Nicki and Drake make a really cute couple I hope they get married some day. I think drake will make a good man for nicki.
by: Alysia, Jul 7th at 9:29 am
i think they would be a good couple if nicki just reconize that drake has so mush love for her and really cares for her!!!!
by: ariel, Jul 7th at 1:42 pm
drake is to good for her i no he loves her well sometimes you should not follow your heart because all you will get back is pain
by: mizfab, Jul 12th at 8:26 am
Nicki be mine
by: pce, Jul 19th at 8:53 am
nickki minaj an drake r a great cuple an they look good together beautiful if she dnt want him i do
by: beatiful me, Jul 25th at 9:42 am
nicki minaj imma a gurl i like women an men
by: beatiful me, Jul 25th at 9:43 am
Wel i tink they gon make it,coz drake is a nice guy
by: Kintin, Jul 30th at 10:03 pm
im eating some really nice crackers right now. taste kinda salty but also breadlike. in two days itll be my birthday. i lost the love of my life an year ago and they dont even want to spend my birthday with me.i think im going crazy. yeah i am
by: stephanie, Aug 5th at 12:09 am
by the way i thin they should get married. they both amaze me.
by: stephanie, Aug 5th at 12:11 am
OMFG!!I know Drake can do better than that. I’m not hating on Nicki but Drake isn’t the type for Nicki. There’s gotta be someone else that looks like a great couple….
by: MIssYoYo, Aug 10th at 10:10 pm
Keep on trying drake, you’ll find her love one of dese days and she would soon find out that u were d candy store she’d been singing about all this while. U’ll make a good couple. If u eventually get together, i’ll love u guyz 4eva and if u break up sue me.
by: Amanda, Aug 18th at 1:21 pm
plz nicki wake up !! Drake crayze about you he really in love with you !! why you don’t even thinkin about
he not like ur lil brother
you should be his girl !!!
by: HUDA.3.M, Nov 8th at 8:08 am
niciki u need to married drake he sexy iscell to me plzzzz
by: hana, Nov 24th at 9:47 am