Uncle Russ just can’t stay away from the young chicks! It’s pretty evident that Russell Simmons is down with the swirl and he’s got a thing for models and blondes in particular. Remember his ex Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Julie Henderson? Probably not, but here’s a reminder…
Well, last week at the Angels Foundation Dinner at Georgica in New York, Uncle Russ showed up with a pretty young thing on his arm.
“He was with a young, beautiful blond he was making out with constantly through dinner!”, a snitch revealed to the NY Daily News.
And Uncle Russ’ mystery chick wanted to remain anonymous.
“She refused to even tell photographers her name,” said another snitch. “She was definitely trying to keep up that air of mystery.”
Meanwhile, just two weeks ago he was tonging this chick down…
Uncle Russ is a pimp! Dude changes girls like he changes his draws. SMH!
Damn son! He’s eating her tongue!
by: Bella, Jun 4th at 10:18 pm
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww @ grand Daddy.
by: SILENCE, Jun 5th at 8:10 am