This morning I heard something about Kanye paying off his former arm piece Amber Rose a load of cash to keep quiet about his personal life…yup she’s now an ex! Wait what?! When did they break up? Anywhoo, a snitch claims,
“It’s pretty common to have ‘silence’ agreements amongst entertainers. I heard that Amber’s getting seven figures to keep her lips closed.”
Apparently the Louis Vutton Don has gagged Amber Rose (not literally!) by having her sign a multi-million dollar contract to “silence” her from speaking about his personal life. DAMN! Seven figures…what kind of shenanigans would prompt a rapper to keep his ex from penning a tell-all book or running to the press with stories for days. Amber Rose was not only his arm piece but she was globetrotting with the tight jean rapper practically attached to his hip. So you know shorty saw some ill foul mess going on…so much Kanye is making sure shorty keeps it mum. So what could be so secretive that Kanye feels the need to hide…maybe its:
5. KANYE IS PART OF THE ILLUMINATI- he kicks it with Jay-Z and them…so you know what they say “birds of a feather flock together”…
4. KANYE IS A DRUG FIEND- maybe he’s a cokehead…
3. KANYE SWINGS BOTH WAYS- maybe he likes fly chicks and fly dudes…
2. KANYE PULLED AN EDDIE MURPHY- he slept with a tranny…
1. KANYE IS A GAYFISH- Ya know the joke, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck…its a f*cking duck!