In 2005, Hip-hop matrimony took place between Nas and Kelis. While, we thought they were destined to be together till death did them part, boy were we shocked when Kelis filed for divorce citing “irreconcilable differences”. Word is Nas was getting N-A-S-T-Y with random broads among other things, which unfortunately caused the split.
Now, we didn’t think Kelis would actually go through with the divorce, but she shocked us again when sh*t took a turn for the worst especially after she made it seem like she was dead broke. We love Kelis, but she definitely OD’d when she asked Nas to hit her up with $20,o00 for a baby stroller and pay for all of her expenses. And most recently, Nas was ordered to hand over a sh*t load of money to Kelis to pay her legal fees, child support, accounting expenses, and spousal support.
We’re pretty sure Nas didn’t think Kelis would take his a$$ through the ringer and neither did we. There’s no denying that Nas wants to get this divorce over with and so does Kelis, but now she’s gone a bit too far by making it extremely difficult for Nas to see his son Knight. When Kelis filed for divorce, Nas made it clear that he wanted to be “fully involved” in raising their son. Nas recently vented to Vibe magazine:
“My son was born with ice grills, so when his mom feels in the mood she sends pictures. If not, its hell. It’s hell trying to figure that out, trying to get him—I’ll just leave it at that. It’s hell. A man shouldn’t go through that shit, but it’s another story I’ma tell at a different time.”
Why is it that when sh*t goes sour, baby mamas go crazy?! They do spiteful things in an attempt to hurt their baby daddy, when in reality they’re only making themselves look dumb. Ladies, why must we always make things so difficult? If a brotha wants to be involved in his child’s life…let him! We complain when a brotha is a deadbeat, yet in some instances we “create” the deadbeat. A dude is not going to want to deal with a chick who goes haywire every time he comes to pick up his child. And things are worse especially if the brotha has a girl. Why must baby mama’s make things difficult for their baby daddy’s girl? Ladies, take heed! Shorty has nothing to do with your baby daddy drama, so why give her the side-eye when he brings her around or even worse request that he doesn’t bring the kid around her. I mean if shorty was his side piece while he was with you, then by all means give them both hell but if that’s not the case…learn to grow up and be a woman and more importantly a good mother.
Wow this is just a whole lot of drama and kelis is gonna put nas in the poor house lol #cavi
by: Tiffany, May 17th at 12:21 pm
keep your head up nas #cavi
by: cynabun, May 17th at 1:21 pm
the legal system does unfairly favor women when it comes to kids #cavi
by: cynabun, May 17th at 1:22 pm
kelis knows better #cavi
by: cynabun, May 17th at 1:23 pm
baby mama dram is no fun #cavi
by: cynabun, May 17th at 1:23 pm
they were such a cute couple #cavi
by: cynabun, May 17th at 1:25 pm
Instead of handing advise to women on how to deal with their cheating husband, to whom they both vowed to be one …till death… Advise dishonorable men, to learn their lesson and not cheat on women, so they CAN BE upstanding men in their family. Had he not cheated, Nas could be a father to his son …without the so-called drama….that he created. Kelis didn’t create that drama. Nas did.
by: The Moral of The Story Is, May 17th at 9:42 pm
This is just about too much Im tired of hearing about them… They need to come together and stop the madness for the sake of the son!! #CAVI
by: Che Bella, May 17th at 10:21 pm
i agree with cynabun , they were def. cute #cavi
by: cutenwitty, May 18th at 7:54 am
however this story is getting kind of old #cavi
by: cutenwitty, May 18th at 7:54 am
Its sad when two ppl with children can’t get along respectfully. #cavi
by: cutenwitty, May 18th at 7:55 am
too many children don’t have fathers involved in their lives #cavi
by: cutenwitty, May 18th at 7:56 am
so when a man steps up and wants to be there, what type of mother does that make her? #cavi
by: cutenwitty, May 18th at 7:57 am
I don’t knw, I just hope they work it out where they can atleast be cordial #cavi
by: cutenwitty, May 18th at 7:57 am
Its not about them, its about the child they have together #cavi
by: cutenwitty, May 18th at 7:58 am
anyway, support #cavi
by: cutenwitty, May 18th at 7:59 am
@The Moral of The Story Is- I agree with you. Yet surely they both played a role in hyping up their drama. Both really need to step back and do what’s right for their baby not their egos.
by: LexAve, May 18th at 9:08 am
that cake looks yummy
by: cynabun, May 18th at 11:50 am
both of them have a mean swag
by: cynabun, May 18th at 11:51 am
their wedding was so unique
by: cynabun, May 18th at 11:51 am
when knight starts realizing whats going on theyll prolly both start behaving
by: cynabun, May 18th at 11:52 am
please take your vows seriously when marrying or this could be you
by: cynabun, May 18th at 11:52 am