Boricua Jennifer Lopez has landed herself on the June 2010 cover of Marie Claire UK magazine hitting newsstands June 6th. In the issue, La Lopez dishes on everything from her new movie “Back-Up Plan” to even ex-boo Diddy. She talked about Ben Affleck too, but I didn’t think including him was really important.
“The tabloids covered those times heavily, but when I look back I know those were real parts of my life. That’s what maybe confused people – it seemed like something that was made up and crazy, but there was real genuine feeling in all those relationships.”
When asked if she still keeps in touch with Diddy, she revealed,
“Sean – I’ve run into him once or twice, with Marc, and it’s always very friendly. He asks about the twins because he has twins too. Again, I always wish him the best.”
Check out La Lopez’ mag spread…aye que linda!
Jennifer needs to thank Diddy, he created J. Lo– he gave her a$$ swag. They really did make a cute couple, but when sh*t got too hot in ‘99 following the club shooting Diddy got caught up in, she dropped him with the quickness and went Hollywood on his a$$. It’s pretty clear Jennifer wasn’t a down ass chick! I always felt like Jennifer used all those other guys including Diddy as her “back-up plan” ’cause she was patiently waiting for Marc Anthony and his former wife to call it quits. Shorty had Diddy singing songs about her, that booty sure had him whipped!
Posted under Break-ups, Magazine, Magazine Spread, Things They Say by J'More
j. lo
by: cynabun, May 4th at 9:34 am
those shoes at the bottom are #amazin
by: cynabun, May 4th at 9:36 am
j to the l o
by: cynabun, May 4th at 10:29 am
what kinda coat is that?
by: cynabun, May 4th at 10:29 am
i like the shiny dresses
by: cynabun, May 4th at 10:29 am
i hear puffy used to hit her
by: cynabun, May 4th at 10:30 am
didn’t ben dump her?
by: cynabun, May 4th at 10:34 am
wierd how they both have twins, huh?
by: cynabun, May 4th at 10:35 am
i wonder what diddy & j. lo kids would look like?
by: cynabun, May 4th at 10:35 am
puffy did i need a girl for j. lo
by: cynabun, May 4th at 10:36 am
She is #Amazin
by: Nikki, May 4th at 10:49 am
jennifer l is #amazin
by: dancer, May 4th at 3:18 pm
need this #amazin
by: dancer, May 4th at 3:19 pm
jenny from the block looks #amazin
by: dancer, May 4th at 3:29 pm
i need to slow down #amazin
by: dancer, May 4th at 3:30 pm