Looks like Akon is accusing singer Christina Aguilera of swagger jackin’! The Konvict seems to think that Lady Gaga has every chick in the game shook that they’re all trying to bite her style including Miss Aguilera. He tells Vibe magazine,
“Christina shouldn’t have anything to prove or anyone to compete with. I miss the old Christina Aguilera. I like the old one better than the new one. Honestly, Gaga and Christina could probably get together and do something that’s amazing. But that’s impossible if they are both trying to do the same exact thing musically.
And Akon is convinced Christina can’t knock Lady Gaga out of the game. He adds,
“Aw man, that’s not even any competition. You are actually giving Christina too much credit. She always had her cool little look and way about how she went about things. But soon as Gaga came out, everything switched up. Christina stepped out of her own shell to become something different. And the crazy thing is Christina is really talented. She has unlimited range when it comes to singing. Her voice is out of here. “I think sometimes she gets insecure because of all of the success Gaga has had, not realizing that she was already successful before Gaga came out.”
I can’t knock Lady GaGa’s movement, but she straight up jacked Madonna’s style. So Akon needs to #sithisassdown ’cause Lady GaGa ain’t original her damn self.
although what akon said doesn’t make any sense at all, i still dont blame him cos he is tryin to protect his own interest. it will be to his benefit if lady gaga stays relevant for a long time in the music industry since she is signed to his label
by: richard stanley, Apr 15th at 1:57 pm
people we’re running an Elusion clothing giveaway…leave a comment on any post, put #Elusion at the end of comment, and you automatically enter to win. Winner with most comments + #Elusion by Friday, April 23rd…WINS!
by: LexAve, Apr 15th at 2:00 pm
@Richard you’re so right! But, I feel like Akon should’ve kept his mouth shut. He’s just gave Christina more publicity. #Elusion
by: J'More, Apr 15th at 2:05 pm
There goes Akon’s shot at ever collaborating with Xtina! #Elusion
by: LexAve, Apr 15th at 2:23 pm
That was def. untasteful… Promote GaGa w/o tearing down others. Her talent should speak for itself. Akon and his #Elusion
by: cutenwitty, Apr 16th at 11:01 am
Actually Gaga didn’t ‘Jack’ anybody’s style. In fact Madonna ripped off Debbie Harry! Get your facts right.
by: Alice Keymer, Apr 18th at 12:15 pm
Every star has jacked some1 in their career. Whether it be Madonna, Lady Gaga or Rihanna. Everyone is a swagger jacker.
by: J'More, Apr 18th at 12:29 pm
Love me some Lady Gaga, Xtina will never be able to pull it off!
by: Bella, Apr 21st at 3:28 pm
akon is #AMAZIN
by: dancer, Apr 29th at 5:16 pm
Seriously, Christina is trying to be like Lady Gaga and it’s pretty messed up if you ask me as soon as I seen her first. performance lately, right away I said Wow talk about a Lady Gaga wannabe and seriously Madonna was completely different then what Lady Gaga is. I also liked the old Christina, to me she had her own way of doing things and same with Madonna, and same with Lady Gaga. With the costumes and everything that Christina has been trying to pull off makes me turn the channel.
by: Felicia, Jun 6th at 9:57 pm