Looks like Shaunie done pissed Shaq off! Apparently Shaquille O’Neal is giving VH1 two options, cancel her new reality series “Basketball Wives” or get sued. The show premiered last week and word is the second episode is going to be really juicy since its expected to focus on her tumultuous relationship with the NBA player. Shaq’s lawyer Michael J. Klump claims Shaunie is violating their confidentiality agreement if she reveals any private details about Shaq on the show. VH1 has by the close of business today to respond and so far they haven’t. A new episode of “Basketball Wives” is scheduled to air Sunday, April 18th. Guess we’ll just have to wait till then to find out if VH1 gives in to Shaq’s request.
Shaq is just trippin’ ’cause Shaunie might expose his cheating his a$$! I caught the show last Sunday and I must say I will be tuning in again this Sunday. But, something tells me it’s gonna end up being like the Real Housewives of Atlanta. How the hell you gonna name a show “Basketball Wives” and none of these bishes have a ring on their finger!
Posted under Beef, Divorce, Featured, Rumors, TV Shows, Tune-In by J'More
It should be name Basketball Throwbacks or Basketball Jumpoffs or Basketball Girlfriends or Former Basketball Wives, Jumpoffs and Girlfriends. Shaq is right. If she signed a confidentiality clause then she needs to honor it.
by: amiwright, Apr 15th at 9:31 am
LMAO @ Amiwright. I just don’t understand these reality shows…so scripted! #Elusion
by: J'More, Apr 15th at 2:06 pm
I agree bc all of them are ex fiance’s or gfs…only 2 were married. Tv is full of #Elusion s
by: cutenwitty, Apr 16th at 10:39 am
Damn @Cutenwitty…you’re in the lead in winning this Elusion Clothing prize pack, for real! Keep it coming….giveaway deadline is next Friday. #elusion
by: LexAve, Apr 16th at 10:41 am
I must say, this show is a guilty pleasure #elusion
by: Bella, Apr 21st at 4:11 pm