You would think by now that Naomi Campbell would know to keep her hands to herself…well she hasn’t. The supermodel was almost arrested for slapping her driver, luckily the good lord saved her crazy a$$ ’cause the cops didn’t think the slap she gave him was that bad. According to a spokesman for the NYPD,
“You know how Benny Hill used to run around slapping people around the head—well, that’s all she did to him.”
Naomi even offered to cooperate with the cops after her driver claimed she left him with bumps and bruises. According to Naomi’s mouthpiece,
“There shouldn’t be a rush to judgment. Naomi will cooperate voluntarily, and there is more to the story than meets the eye.”
Well, the driver later refused to press charges. Guess he didn’t want to lose his job.
SMH at the cops thinking it wasn’t that serious.
I don’t care if it wasn’t that bad at all. She needs to learn to keep her hands to herself. One day someone is gone hit her azz back and you know they will be the one in trouble. Like Sherri Sheperd said, “someone needs to hit Naomi with a cell phone”. Let her find out what it feels like to be hit. Notice she don’t try the shyt with black people.
by: amiwright, Mar 5th at 8:42 am
she go hard lol #AMAZIN
by: Zena, May 2nd at 6:54 pm