A while back we reported that Beyonce’s dad Mathew Knowles was expecting a baby, but not by his soon-to-be ex-wife Tina Knowles. Apparently, PaPa Knowles couldn’t keep his lil’ friend in his pants and knocked up his jumpoff. Well, his jumpoff gave birth to a baby boy last Thursday and from jump she claimed it was his. According to PaPa Knowles, he is willing to take a paternity test to prove that he is not the father (Maury voice) if he is ordered to do so. He says,
“I know about as much as you do. Last week, they said it was a girl, this week they said it was a boy. We do have a court date but none of that means anything until DNA testing is done. I’ll leave that in the hands of the attorneys.”
The two are set to go before a judge next week in the ongoing paternity case.
Seriously why would shorty go through all of this and it’s not his kid? PaPa Knowles better stop acting frontin’ and accept the fact that he slipped up!
Mathew don’t want to lose the love/repect of his children and ex-wife. I know he is praying heavy that baby aint his.
by: diva2, Feb 10th at 11:48 pm
thats his baby… sorry #AMAZIN
by: Zena, May 3rd at 10:29 pm