Last night, ya gurl J’More was in the building for the Queen of Hip-hop Soul, Mary J. Blige’s Meet & Greet/ In-Store Signing at Best Buy Union Square in NYC. I got there around 8:30 and was overwhelmed by the line of fans wrapped around the corner in the freezing cold just to see the Queen! Now if that isn’t loyalty then I don’t know what is! Once inside, I got hooked up with my press pass and quickly went into paparazzi mode. From the young to the old, Mary had fans of all ages come out and once they got their chance to meet her, a few bursted into tears. One brotha mentioned that he came all the way from our nation’s capital just to see Mary and credited her for his reason for getting right with the Lord. Shout out to Tresa of TreMedia!
Be on the look out for our exclusive footage of MJB’s In-Store signing coming real soon…
Posted under Exclusive Event, Featured, Misc. Photos by J'More
Mary J. Blige has the hottest album on earth. Yes, STRONGER withEACH TEAR is the truth! Girl, Devin L. I know you got your copies. Mary got fast jams, slow jams and kill a man jam. Go out and get your copies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Monique
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by: MONIQUE, Dec 26th at 5:01 am