
Via MissJia
Posted under Beef, Featured, New Video, Things They Say by LexAveVia MissJia
Posted under Beef, Featured, New Video, Things They Say by LexAve
I disagree with him completely, everyone has a right to have their own and opinion, and the ability to express it openly as they please. Regardless of status or who has the most awards none of that matters, thats really childish. Blah!
by: Brassil, Dec 3rd at 5:35 pm
@Brassil EXACTLY! That’s why its called opinion…if he feels its disrespectful then he’s entitled to as well. Him responding let’s Trey know he struck a nerve with Kellz, and Kellz is a bit nervous at becoming irrelevant.
by: LexAve, Dec 3rd at 5:38 pm
it wasn’t contradicting. i’m not sure when this video surfaced, but trey’s D.O.A. is madd old as far as music is concerned. clearly someone asked kells about the situation & he’s just giving his take on it. “elephants DON’T swat flies”… kelly never responded to D.O.A.
by: XX, Dec 3rd at 6:27 pm
Honestly these people ships are sinking faster than the titanic! R Kelly been in the game a longtime , but every since his trial for messing with young girls it forever put is Image in the trash compacter !!! I’m just going to keep it real!!! Trey Songz is an R Kelly wannabe! Kellz is right! How are you going to tell him to change “His” Music to cater to an Audience? He can’t sings, he is very arrogant, and just an under average current day fake R&B artist!!!! I don’t want to put R Kelly on a pedestal, but he is right!!!!!! I see why these folks don’t win awards, only the ghetto ass BET awards, or the defunct Vibe awards!!!!
R&B is dead ya’ll!!!!
by: Mr.727, Dec 5th at 2:19 pm