
Actress Halle Berry knows first hand the pain of domestic violence from growing up in an abusive home to even falling for abusive men. Halle is very vocal when it comes to domestic violence through her work with the Jennesse Center, an organization that provides support to abused women through its domestic violence intervention program. Earlier this year, Rihanna found herself a victim to domestic abuse and found the courage to end her relationship with her abuser. Halle admits that she’s proud of the pop star for ending her tumultuous relationship with Chris Brown. She tells Access Hollywood,
Posted under Featured, Relationships, Things They Say by J'More“Any time a woman frees herself from that kind of bondage and that kind of situation I am proud of that person.”
Halle is a former ass whipping victim herself so I’m sure she IS happy Rhi left Chris alone. But she is right though!
by: winenroses, Nov 22nd at 12:53 am
Halle B need to give me sum money real talk. FUCk RIHANNA they can suck my d&&*&^^&. halle u lucky i like ur fine ass.
by: jimmy, Nov 22nd at 8:10 pm
They both have moved on why don’t everyone else do the same. Now she’s falling down drunk and hanging out at the clubs. I guess they are gone blame that on CB to.
by: amiwright, Nov 23rd at 3:06 pm
WTF aint halle a man beater.. she need to shut it down asap.. the same shit happened to her that happend to rihanna.. (she hit wesley snipes ass too much and he finally snapped just like chris did..and knocked her ass out..)
by: mpspongebob12, Nov 27th at 2:24 am