Last week we reported that Jay-Z let the cat out of the bag that he and wifey Beyonce are working on starting their very own dynasty. Well, either Jay is just confused or Beyonce is trying to do some rumor control ’cause according to her “it’s not time for that yet”. She says,
“It’s not time for that yet. But definitely there will be a time. I want to be a great mother, the kind of mother that I have. I want the same bond that I had with my mom and that would be enough for me. Adding,”The security and love I feel being in a relationship, a marriage, it’s absolutely incredible. Incredible.”
When are these two going to start a family? I hope Beyonce realizes that Jay’s clock is ticking ’cause mixing up old sperm with a fresh egg can have damaging effects.
This woman’s husband is damn near 40 years old. Its obvious that he wants kids now. They have been together for about 7 or 8 years. If she don’t start poppin out some kids for that man she may find herself step-mama to some other womans kids.
by: JDaily, Nov 18th at 10:22 am
I’m sure with all the money they got…Jay-Z got some frozen sperm saved up somewhere and she’s got her eggs on freeze too- age ain’t really an issue for them. if the natural way doesn’t work out for them.
by: LexAve, Nov 18th at 11:16 am
I can’t believe ya’ll actually believed that rumor. Ya’ll really think that as private as these two are, Jay would “let it slip” that they’re planning on procreating soon? Be for real! Jay & Bey are gonna do the same shit J. Lo & J-Hud did. Never talk about it even though Bey’ll be walking around big as hell.
And another thing…WHY do people care so much about them having kids? They’re doing the right thing by doing it on THEIR time & keeping it to themselves. I’m sure they’ve discussed this numerous times while dating as well as after marriage. Let them do them & stay out of Bey’s uterus already, damn!
by: SouthernQueenD, Nov 18th at 3:39 pm
jay and bey, I pray that folks leave yall alone. i am so tired of hearing about your age, they dont like the way you look, bey will never give you kids, yall worship the devil, hell if yall did worship lucifer 99.8 % of american do, they just dont know it. but I will be the first to tell’em .. so yall keep doing what yall do, these people are not haters, they just confused cause they can’t figure yall out, and I love it, keep them stupid folks talking, and stay behind the door or your seeing one eye…lol
by: Hopeintheair, Nov 18th at 6:50 pm