Forget about being proud to be an American, hell I’m proud to be a New Yorker! Check out the King of New York performing New York’s Anthem “Empire State of Mind” along with native New Yorker and RocNation artist Bridget Kelly– who filled in for Alicia Keys. Much love to Bridget ’cause shorty killed the hook!
In related Jay-Z news, the rapper recently announced the North American dates for his 2010 “Blueprint 3 Tour”. Jay-Z will embark on a stateside tour starting February 22nd in Houston. Rapper Young Jeezy is also scheduled to open all dates on the tour. As if experiencing Jay-Z live in concert already isn’t enough, he’s enlisted ATL rapper Young Jeezy to open up every show! Tickets go on sale November 13th, get em before they sell out. You already know tickets to see ya boy Jay perform sell out in less than 5 minutes!
Click HERE to find out when Jay-Z’s coming to your hood!
I love the song. it should be #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 already.
Jay-Z was in Berlin last nite w/ U2, then at City Hall w/ the Yankees & now the nite w/ LeBron at MSG. He’s working damn hard at the moment.
by: Hovy Hov, Nov 6th at 8:24 pm
Jay-Z wants to be relevant sooo bad!! He’s a damn rapper!! Why the hell does he need to be in the middle of the Yankees right now? It’s their moment to shine, not his!! They don’t come to his job getting up on stage taking the microphone from him. He’s a Publicity Whore!!
by: winenroses, Nov 9th at 7:09 am