You don’t have to be a sports fan to know who this sports superstar is. He’s currently going through a mid-age crisis. Although he’s not old by society standards, he’s old by sports standards.
He’s reacting to this crisis by wilding out and acting out like a hood soldier.
Maybe this is genetic because his relatives, some in their 50′s, still have gold teeth. He was really embarrassed when two of his female relatives showed up to a game with food and beer stained jerseys on. Every time he scored, these two middle aged ride or die women would do a hoochy coo dance in the audience to celebrate as onlookers cringed with embarrassment.
One of these women has been cut off financially because she tried to get more money out of him by getting pregnant by a dope fiend. She thought our superstar would be more sensitive to her financial plight if a kid was involved, instead, he cut her off.
Our superstar, in his later years, has become disruptive in the locker room, so much so, that he said out loudly, in front of his teammates,” I could f**k your women if I wanted to.” After this comment was made, team harmony went out of the window.
He has been steadily going downhill with his behavior. People also complain about his body odor, he rarely showers or washes his face.
He also goes to the ghetto late at night, looking for dice games, with the home boys, in the alley ways.
If this isn’t enough, despite being married, he has a taste for strippers and hookers. Although, he’s having money problems, he manages to pay off hotel security to look the other way if he gets rough with the hookers.
Recently, a source reported to us: “Allegedly, an escort went up to his room, he got too kinky and violent for her, she tried to leave, he grabbed her by the neck and dragged her into the hallway. Other guests called security, instead of reprimanding him or calling for police assistance, security’s response was: “What did this b**ch do to upset you?”
Who is our sports superstar?