I got there around 8 o’clock and surprisingly enough the line was around the corner. Luckily homie LexAve came through and saved the day! We chucked a deuce to the line and made our way to the front and within 5 minutes we were in. SOB homie, Kozza, looked out and gave us access backstage aka the basement where Melanie, the band, and a few other press friends were chillen. (Shouts to Singersroom!) As we waited for Melanie to do her a press bit, we spotted Melanie in wardrobe doing her own makeup…yes her own! Fast forward an hour and half later, Melanie still wasn’t on stage, mind you she was scheduled to perform at 8 o’clock, but for whatever reason it was more like 10 o’clock. Yet we weren’t trippin’ ‘cause we were too busy chillen with the band, meeting some great industry folks, and stuffing our faces with arroz con pollo- Yummy! Finally the homie Monee (Roc4Life) suggested we make our way near the stage ‘cause Melanie was about to shut it down! (Well she didn’t really say that, but you get the drift) Despite hitting the stage two hours late, we weren’t mad at all ‘cause Melanie came out with loads of energy, a huge smile and gave it to us right! She sang a few tracks off her debut album The Bridge including some of my faves, “Ay Yo”, “Monday Morning”, “Sad Song” and of course her smash hit “Give It To Me Right”. Real talk, there wasn’t a dull moment in performance, song after song- Melanie kept it live with her humor, grandiose stage presence and humility. She engaged with the audience in such an indescribable way and her band was GREAT! Throughout the night she constantly thanked the audience and even started getting a lil’ teary eyed towards the end and that’s when the crowd began chanting her name in unison “MELANIE- MELANIE- MELANIE!”…least to say the Toronto native was very grateful. It was too cute! And though she was ready to leave to the stage, Melanie couldn’t do so without introducing ill beat boxer, Kenny Mohammad. Real talk, after seeing what this man can do, Dougie Fresh needs to retire! To end the show Melanie covered Kanye’s “Heartless” and of course she sounded way better than him singing it! I’m officially a groupie, lol. The girl is gorgeous, she can sing and she’s very humble. Did I mention the girl can sang?! If you’re a fan of REAL MUSIC and not that watered down crap they play on the radio, I suggest you cop Melanie’s debut album The Bridge in stores September 22nd! I barely purchase albums, but I honestly have to say that after seeing Melanie live, I’m coppin’ hers!

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