Looks like Nia Long is a bit salty real actresses are losing roles to non-acting actors like Beyonce. In the July issue o Pride magazine, Nia Long goes in on singers & rappers for not being qualified enough to act. When asked what she thought about Beyonce Knowles’ performance in ‘Obsessed.’ Nia replied,
“I didn’t see ‘Obsessed,’ so I can’t comment, but it’s just not about how talented you are anymore. It’s about, ‘How much box-office revenue will this person generate?’ When you see certain people – we won’t name names – they just don’t have the skill, and no one in their team has said, ‘You need acting classes’…“If you take time to develop your craft, God bless you. Jamie Foxx is an example of both [actor and singer].”
On the real, Nia Long is so right! The same can be said about the modeling industry. I remember the days when models where known to cover magazines…now its a lot the name and the celebrity. If you’re trying to be break into any craft or industry it should be taken serious enough where it should be studied, exercised, and respected. There are so many talented actors and actresses out there that don’t get the part b/c they just wont bring in the big $$$. The spectrum of talent is very limited in Hollywood, let alone Black Hollywood.
Tags: Beyonce, Jamie Foxx, Nia Long
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July 13th, 2009 at 9:15 pm
haha..i agree with The game and Nia long!! bey is played out. LOLS
July 14th, 2009 at 12:42 am
I love me some Nia Long, but this makes her sound bitter that she is not getting roles, in my opinion. I do believe that Beyonce’ and other singer (trying to turn actors) have taken classes as well. If you have not gone to class with her or talk to her to know whether she is taking acting classes, how can you come out and make a public statement that “noone in their team says you need acting classes” People like Eva and other models want to act and while some may not take it seriously, a lot of them do want to learn the craft and do take the classes. So, at the end of the day I think Nia and other actors/actreses (who are super talented) maybe getting slighted out of roles because of more popular people coming from other industries, but she shouldn’t knock them and put everyone in the same category and say that none of them take acting seriously. She needs to step up her game, like Teraji! Still love you Nia but you sounding bitter girl.
July 14th, 2009 at 1:09 am
I agree with my girl Nia! However, not even Bey can bring in numbers, because everything she has been in was a flop except for Dreamgirls!
July 14th, 2009 at 3:16 am
Tell em Nia!! Beyonce can’t act and can barely sing. Now dont get me wrong, I am happy for a sistah doing her thing and handling her business, but the truth of the matter is…she needs to stick to booty songs and dancing. No ballads (like that terrible shit on BET awards), no standing still singing (B needs to dance, that is what got her to the top and will be the only thing to keep her there) and please, no more acting!!