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1. At the rate this NBA player is going, he will unfortunately succumb to alcohol poisoning. It’s amazing that he can stay sober long enough to play basketball.

His alcoholism is so bad, he cries uncontrollably like a baby and pays hookers to come over and read him nursery rhymes.

This past weekend, he occupied a lavish suite but was so drunk, his body shut down and he barfed throughout the weekend, he couldn’t hold any food on his stomach.

He even pays women to stay the night with him.

2. Another NBA player gets violent when he’s drunk. After a couple of drinks, he has to beat the hell out of a woman.

Off the court, he’s such a sloppy drunk, he’s pissed in his pants a couple of times and alcohol makes him very violent. If a woman isn’t near for him to beat on, not a problem, he’ll just trash the place.

Both men are considered superstars.

Who are they?


Posted under Blind Item by LexAve

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