“I like technology, but I don’t like what people are letting technology do to them. There’s a lot of things we couldn’t do without technology. Now, if I’m calling you to say ‘what’s up?’ but you ain’t (sic) picking up the phone, because it’s more convenient for you to text me back, I don’t understand that. What happened to the human interaction? It’s dehumanizing people. They don’t have to talk to each other anymore”.
Now if you happen to see Busta in the street and want to snap a picture of him, remember to be respectful and ask before you just press the flash button. He adds,
“When it gets to the point where… just the little things in life like, for example, where somebody comes up to your face and snaps your picture, doesn’t ask. I feel like the quality of privacy and respect of people’s personal space has been completely disintegrated. You can ask to take the picture. I will be so glad to take the picture and pose and look good for the picture. But when you catch me while I’m looking real sideways (bad) and the picture’s ugly as hell, I don’t want you to have the picture like that! So technology just destroyed that considerate thing”.
Tags: Busta Rhymes
April 11th, 2009 at 3:59 pm
What if I’m in the movie theater? No, I can’t talk to yo ass but if it’s important, I wanna know “wassup?” Or, maybe I don’t feel like talking at all. I feel what he’s saying but if I’m busy, I’m busy!! At least I cared enough to get right back in 2 sec. That’s how I feel about that LOL.
I’m no celeb obviously but I empathize with random folks takin random camera phone pics because I don’t like it when people I know take candid shots of me LOL.