The following is based on information from a male source who was present when the following took place.
It was a rough week for this black male celebrity. He decided to get away on a mini vacation with his boys.
Later that evening, he asked his boys, “go out and get me a few women but don’t bring no black women back here!” One of his boys asked, what type of white girl, blonde, brunette? The celebrity replied, “don’t matter, they just has to be white!”
They returned with two low rent blondes.
One of the women had a figure like sponge bob and she wore a tight fitting dress. When she sat down, it was obvious she wasn’t wearing panties, she was flashing (Basic Instinct) style to the men in attendance.
When she got up to dance with our male celebrity, her odor was so bad, when two other guys entered the room, they asked, is someone frying fish, are we having a fish fry?
She funked up the entire room.
Despite this, our male celebrity took her and the other girl upstairs and proceeded to have sex with them all night.
In the morning, he emerged, looking tired, he also bragged to his boys over breakfast, that he hit both of them raw.
Before both women left (without taking showers) the one with the bad odor made sure to tell everyone, her next stop was the East Coast. She had just received a call, telling her to pick up an airline ticket, a rap mogul was flying her in.
Despite her odor and wack body, she’s on speed dial with famous black men.
Who is the black male celebrity?
Who is the mogul flying her in?
April 13th, 2009 at 4:20 pm
its jaime foxx. the stresing incident was with that stalker in philly.