When asked what’s the one thing she does to get on his nerve:
“I’m a little messy. Oh, yeah. Whenever I’m out in public, I have to be put together. When I get home, I rebel against it and I don’t want to take care of anything. I drop it. I’m relaxed. I don’t have any shoes on. No makeup. My purse is in the kitchen. I think that is most difficult thing for him. He’s very, very organized. I’m extremely organized when I’m working, and I work so much that when I get home I don’t want to think about anything.”
As for what Jay-Z does that get on her nerves: She laughs, “I won’t say.”
Ugh..she’s just fake! She’s together with Jay almost 8 years, you should give this dude some kids after this time. He’s out all time by himself, he is still a single dude who pays her diva bills. Ya’ll post stuff where she is saying positive things about him but when she talks about not want to have kids or that her nephew is the most important men in her life rather than Jay-z. Nobody posts that. I can remember jigga said back in 05 he wants to have kids in the next 4 years and i guess will not happen. Sorry for you jay. You married a selfish chick!!!
by: I hate her, Feb 28th at 6:59 am
She looks old in this pic! and she is boring as hell, didn’t we hear this same old crap when her album was coming out? nothing interesting or new with her!
by: Tiff, Mar 2nd at 4:17 am
What a bunch of jealous, insecure, lonely ass bitches. They’re are adults. If dude wants kids and she doesn’t then he need to do his Brad Pitt thing and get wit a chicks that does.
by: I DON'T KNOW, Mar 8th at 5:46 pm
Quite frankly I am sick of seeing B on every cover and in every mag………….she is a no talent fake. She cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. She cannot act and with all the talented actresses out there she keepsetting the jobs. Learn from Cadillac records…she is not a box office draw. And if I had all the hair weave and money she had i wouldd be glamorous too but her look is now boring and she is illiterate.
by: Joi, Mar 11th at 2:46 am