They were in the car leaving the Clive Davis party. While Chris was driving, he got a phone call from a young lady. Our source tells us that Rihanna knew that Chris had been messing around with this particular girl and she has, as of late, been the reason for many of their heated arguments. Rihanna got a glimpse of the phone, saw the name and number and immediately recognized who it was. She went ballistic and began to “beat the sh*t” out of Chris (while driving). She was so uncontrollable, that Chris began to fight back in self defense, which ensued the fight. Rihanna’s rage stemmed from Chris’ questionable fidelity in the last few months.

And though it apparent Rihanna wasn’t cooperating with police in disclosing all the details leading up to the “horrific” incident, E! News got word Rihanna finally spoke up last night. Here’s her version of what went down:
A source close to the investigation tells E! News exclusively that Rihanna has alleged to police that Brown choked her while threatening to kill her and, subsequently, she lost consciousness.They began squabbling after leaving Clive Davis’ pre-Grammy party late Saturday. Shortly after midnight, things blew up. Brown pulled his silver Lamborghini to the side of a street in L.A.’s Hancock Park neighborhood. That’s when, per the source, Rihanna grabbed the car keys and tossed them out the window, sending Brown into a rage.
He tried in vain to find the keys, then came back to the car, put his hands around her neck and, according to the insider, said, “I’m going to kill you!”
According to the source, the 20-year-old “Disturbia” singer told police that she lost consciousness, and when she awoke, Brown had fled.
According to the source, her right eye was blackened and badly swollen and she had hand prints on her arms. The responding officers were so concerned about her, they drove Rihanna to the hospital in their squad car instead of waiting for an ambulance.
Officers took two sets of photographs of the banged-up singer, one at the scene and the second after she was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for treatment. Those photos were presumably among the evidence presented to the district attorney.
“WAKS-FM, a Cleveland-area radio station, has stopped playing Brown’s music until the allegations are resolved; so, too, have stations in Pittsburgh and Indianapolis.”
Things are not looking good for once golden boy….
their are 3 sides to every story chris side rihanna side and the truth. to see the public crucify this man without knowing in full detail what happened shows how much things are one sided i do not condone abuse of any type but their are reasons for it. if she attacked him first he had every right to defend himself and vice versa he should not have gone that far but he had the right by law to defend himself. we are talking about teenagers who are doing everything as adults but the adult metality is not their. now if chris brown attacked this girl simply because he was mad she went thru his phone justice will prevail now if rihanna struck this guy to the point where he stapped same thing. now reports say chris wanted to end this relationship weeks back but she did not want that again we are talking about teenagers with raging hormones who cannot control their emotions like a seasoned adult could this is upsetting their reps will forever be tarnished no matter the outcome
by: taeta, Feb 11th at 9:33 pm
I believe Chris! I think rihanna is a crazy, jealous chick who went ballistic in the car. There is more to this story and Chris Brown is a Black man, so he is going to be demonized, while Rihanna makes off like the innocent little Princess and that is only cause wHITE AMERica loves her!
by: tiff, Feb 12th at 12:41 am
whew!! even your a man and you defended your self,, by choking her and punching her!! hey you cannot do that, she a girl dude!! you can stop her!! or just hug her and explain what happen NOT to kick rihanna’s ass out of her!!
THAT IS SO WRONG DEFINITELY WRONG “CHRIS” but i love you as a performer and u disappointed me!!
your a dead man now!!
by: dg, Feb 12th at 6:03 am
Chris had said that his home life was abusive and he never want to put a what his mother went through. Well!! he may have an innocent face, but he is all thug. Rihanna should get far away from him. She is too classy for a gangster thug like Chris. No man should EVER put his hand on a woman. To show how he is a coward, he fled. Yea, he is a good man alright. A no-good, violent thug.
by: Sandra Watkins, Feb 12th at 12:51 pm
Violence is never the answer. I have a hard time believing that these injuries come from defensive moves…
by: Jamie, Feb 12th at 1:47 pm
chrise should have know’s that Rihanna is not type of his girl,but i do like her music, but if you take a deep look at her, you will know she’s truble girl, who can do anything to put her man under her bed,people have saide it over and over that this girl will bring him down,to Rihanna remember this guy his is your man and you too are still kids and growing,pls and pls don’t let this brings you too down.because when he go down with this matter,you will definitely go down with him, i love you too.pls you news men and women out there!!! make peace ,don’t put more fight with your pages,write about OBAMA, PEOPLE WILL FORGET ABOUT CHRIS AND HIS UNCALL ACT,
by: Bj, Feb 12th at 7:21 pm
Those defending chris most work for him, I gree up in an abusing home REal talk he try 2 kill. Rhianna, no excuse he could of removed her out da car called police, but beat her almost 2 death there is no excuse celebrity or not , hope some1 beats his ass where Is his bruises , she could have any real man out there, his size strenght don’t add up 2 his beating & cheatting, I Love U Rhianna keep it head up learn to love ur self heal & let go, God is Love. chris become a real man man up & grow the Fuck up a Lambo aint shit , stupid Fuck boi , hope jay whip dat ass. Even 50 cent aint go put like u singing love songs with hate in ur heart.
by: Powms, Feb 22nd at 11:31 pm