Posted under Blind Item by LexAveWhen she first arrived in New York, she was so self confident, she was convinced she would take New York by storm! After all, she stood out in her local town as a beauty.
She was in for a big surprise, it was so many beautiful black women in New York who worked in her field, she was barely noticeable.
She was devastated when her career stalled and her money got low.
She longed for the glamorous life. She was money and material motivated. She had to have the finer things in life at any cost!
She decided to turn her sights on black celebrity men.
She started going to industry parties in sexy clothing.
One evening, she went to an industry party for the group Jodeci, who was on the upswing at the time.
She made a grand entrance in alluring attire and caught the eye of Mr. Dalvin. They soon became intimate and she started hanging out with the group away from the public eye.
What few people know, she was passed around and slept with every group member. Rumored orgies and train ride allegations still persist. It’s also been rumored she was passed along to label mates and executives as well.
She was disappointed she didn’t get more out of her multiple liaisons. She moved on
and decided to focus on richer more connected men.
She would hook up with another music industry man, he spoiled her but it was never enough. So she traded up for someone in front of the scenes. They had a volatile relationship. Regardless, she put a plan in motion that would guarantee her money-but it backfired.
Her man was not as rich as she assumed and she was outraged. Time to move on.
She caught one of the biggest fish in the pond and this time she did it right. Her flawless plan didn’t fail this time.
sounds like kim porter to me…
by: Philasweet, Oct 31st at 8:49 pm