It’s pretty clear no one got swagger like Jay but is he riding this hipster trend a bit hard?! Hov and Lebron James took the stage at last night’s “Last Chance For Change” Concert For Obama in Cleveland, Ohio. The checkered button down shirt, the urkel glasses, the scrave swag…isn’t this a bit of an overload?!

Can we expect Jiggaman to rock skinny jeans on the next show?!
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whew he’s hard on the eyes. yeah the hipster ish has got to go. (u r too old, jay)
by: martine, Oct 30th at 7:34 pm
Too old to wear jeans, eyeglasses and a plaid shirt? Yall muthafukkas are stupid as hell when you start talking.
by: Jacob, Oct 31st at 6:10 am
He looks like an old ass big kid,you can see the wrinkles and the cheek sag from far. Jacob stop dick stanning he looks ridiculous. His supposed trendsetting is over,he’s “trying”too hard. He trying to take Kanye’s style with the glasses and scarf and trying 2 make it his with that horrid shirt and oversized jeans. His style is do-do-.
by: Ha, Nov 1st at 4:20 pm