According to the video source,
Noel gallagher hits back @ Jay-z after Jay-z took a swipe @ him @ glastonbury!
Apparently Noel paid a large amount of money to an un-named UK Rapper to help put the song and video together???
Thanks SR Posted under Beef, New Video by LexAve
i don’t care what the white boy said about jay-z, but he disrespected hip hop and beyonce. and y’all put a head line on the that saying he ether jay-z with that wack song. what kind of hip hop website is this. y’all should be in his ass for that. GROWW SOME BALL AND CHANGE THAT BULL SHIT HEAD LINE!
by: star123, Sep 24th at 10:35 pm
Fuck Jay Z
by: mike, Sep 25th at 4:43 am
I hope Jay-Z doesn’t respond regardless of what was said. Everyone familiar with Oasis hates the Gallagher brothers and knows they are both ass-clowns. A rap battle with Nas looks good on a rap resume. Fucking up some pathetic ass has-been whiny/emo rock musician looks lame. Does anyone even listen to Oasis anymore? Is that what this is about? SMH.
by: E.Jay, Sep 25th at 2:42 pm
yooooooooo……… thats all i have to say
by: DDuB, Sep 25th at 5:26 pm
i hadn’t really heard of them until all of this. I would like to say for jay z to be the bigger man and not respond but truthfully since they wishing death on the man AND calling his wife the british version of a hoe, deep down, I hope Bey and Jay do real slick response. We’ll see. I can’t really see him letting this ride but we’ll see
by: T.Lynn, Sep 25th at 7:15 pm
I know Oasis didn’t call Beyonce a “flag”…ain’t that a “Hoe” in translation? WOW!
by: LexAve, Sep 25th at 11:19 pm
They didn’t “ether” a damn thing! Beyonce never said anything about that washed up asshole for him to be calling her a “slug” which is pretty much a whore. Jay needs to respond to that because he doesn’t have the right to disrespect his wife, especially since she’s never said anything, good or bad, about them. Other than that, he doesn’t need to say anything. He made them relevane again. After that stunt Jay pulled at Glasto, their music sales went back up. NOW THAT’S AN ETHER! LOL
by: Southern Queen Dee, Sep 26th at 12:00 am