This famous woman goes out of her way to appear black friendly, often surrounding herself with black female friends when she’s in the mood. Her favorite line around black women, “us sista’s have to stick together,” although she’s not black.
Sadly, it’s just an orchestrated masquerade because she craves acceptance and can’t accept any type of criticism from blacks, therefore, she tries to appear pro-black. Sadly, several of her black female friends have no clue that she refers to them behind their back as “My Aunt Jemima Crew.”
She often makes fun of blacks with racial epithets and slurs among her alternate white crew. Once, she watched a news program with a black female anchorwoman, she made the comment, “she speaks so intelligent to be black.”
A few of her black flunkies appear honored to be in her presence because they mistakenly think-they will get red carpet exposure or her leftovers.
Over time, she puts on a Queen air and treats her black female friends like they’re peasants.
If she’s dating a black man at the time, she gets really insecure if a beautiful black woman appears at the same party. She has delusions that every attractive black woman wants what she has, including her man.
She will dispatch one of her black lackeys to inform the woman “not to look in the direction of the boyfriend because their friend thinks it’s very disrespectful.” What makes this even more pathetic, they say it with pride!
Her black crew needs to wake up and stop associating with her!
Who is she?
by: TxPlayGirl, Sep 25th at 11:42 am
It can’t be DJB…she’s Black. The Kardashians popped in my head first, but I don’t know if it’s Kim or Khloe
by: Janico, Sep 25th at 8:40 pm
I think it’s Khloe. Kim was already in one of Myra P’s blind items as being jealous of Beyonce (especially after she married Jay) and trying to hook up with Jay at a party to no avail.
by: Southern Queen Dee, Sep 26th at 12:05 am
Actually, DJB’s mother is white and father was black Jamacian. Her first husband was African-American but was short lived because he had his eyes on lots of other women too…..
by: UK Girl, Mar 4th at 1:25 pm