This female rapper must follow the “hip-hop playbook,” for broke rappers. Last year we reported that a black male rapper was discreetly selling numerous items on eBay under a pseudonym to raise quick cash and he was also traveling to Los Angeles discreetly to pawn off other items he couldn’t sell on the auction site.Now, we’re hearing, a female rapper is taking the same path. She’s hit rock bottom and is stone broke. She is in such dire straits, she contemplated having a kid for welfare benefits and considered discreetly prostituting on the side but erased that thought when she factored in her age and dwindling fame.
To make matters worse, she thought she had snagged a rich baller but he became disinterested fast when he heard she was seen talking to a famous man rumored to have a fatal sexual disease. Although the female rapper didn’t have sex with the man, her baller bounced, he considered her tainted. In her mind, that was her last hope for financial security.
She is borrowing from family and friends, when they cut her off, she may take up residence in a homeless shelter.
Like a lot of entertainers, she lived the bling-bling lifestyle and spent money like water and didn’t save for the future. She has absolutely nothing to show for her career in entertainment.
The expensive car is gone, the fancy crib is gone and the bling is pawned.
foxy or kim?
by: Meke, Jun 9th at 4:11 pm
Yea, Pretty Much…lmao
by: Jessika, Jun 9th at 6:20 pm
Lil’Kim, hell foxy was just seen in a fathom, and the repo man was at kim’s house. Also , I heard Fpxy is dating Rich Ross now.
by: cece, Jun 9th at 8:18 pm
by: NYC Big Homie, Jun 9th at 8:37 pm
Definitely Kim because Foxy still has her brownstone in BK and it ain’t Trina because they said so on the website this came from.
by: Southern Queen Dee, Jun 10th at 5:59 am
Lil’ kim
by: wienna, Jun 10th at 9:28 am
it ain’t lil kim it is an older rapper
by: robbie, Jun 10th at 5:48 pm
I think it iks Queen Pen, because of the age issue. Kim still got guap and foxy fuckin rick ross, so she good now!!!
by: N.Joi, Jun 10th at 7:44 pm
Charli Baltimore would be my guess
by: Silqy09, Jun 10th at 11:21 pm
khia you dumb fucks
shes the only female rapper that was rumored to have aids, and now you see why….
by: truth, Sep 7th at 4:55 am
What ever names U mention are true, if not, will be broke soon…
Tha bling bling era is over, and so R these morons without education on how to manage money…
Wanna know tha future of rap?
by: Deadi, Mar 7th at 9:59 am