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Bryan At Howard

Grammy Award winning producer/songwriter Bryan Michael Cox, the man behind hit songs, “Shake It Off”, “Confessions”, “Be Without You” and more took time out of his busy schedule to grace Howard University with his presence. The room was packed with students eager to hear him speak, most of them aspiring music professionals. I really thought he was mainly going to discuss his life and career. But I was wrong, this event turned into a Q&A session which didn’t seem to bother Bryan one bit!

Bryan At HowardBryan At Howard

Read more on Bryan Michael Cox’s visit to Howard University after the jump!

Bryan began the forum by giving his personal experiences and welcomed comments and questions as the evening went on.

“I knew since I was in 5th grade I wanted to be a producer. People would ask me what I wanted to be and I would say a producer. I didn’t know what it was. I just knew on the back of the Michael Jackson album it said Executive Producer-Quincy Jones,” Cox said.

Sometimes life throws you a fastball. But for Bryan the number of doors that were slammed in his face didn’t stop him at all! In his mind he didn’t have a choice but to make it! Bryan’s love for his craft and persistence enabled him to do whatever he had to do to become successful. He says,

“In my mind, it just felt like this has got to happen. If that’s what you’re called to do, then no one can stop that.”

Bryan At HowardBryan At Howard

Students asked him for advice on everything from writer’s block to dealing with difficult artists. His response,

“Kill them with kindness then they won’t be difficult. Every time they tell you no, ask them how I can do better. Don’t just say ‘they hatin. It’s all about your drive and determination to the craft.”

As for the artists he’s dealt with he spoke about Omarion, Mariah Carey and MTB3′s Day 26. On Day 26,

“Q is the most improved. He worked his tail off!”.

He enjoyed working with the group and feels that they are very talented.

We’re used to him writing songs for some our favorite artists, but he wants to switch up his role a lil’ bit and be the one holding the mic. He wishes to brand his label “Black Baby” and possibly put out his own album. According to Bryan, he’s writing songs that are from his heart which he feels he can’t just give away. He says,

“It got to the point where I realized people can’t really convey this, I want to convey it.”

An experience he had in a club after the DJ dropped Timbaland’s “Way I Are” way before it even hit the radio “triggered” him to make music based on other influences. Bryan wants to find a way to bridge the gap in music. He says,

“I’ve been blessed to work with a lot of people in the urban world. I’d like to work outside the box. I’d like to go in with Maroon 5, U2. I’m doing something with Elton John in the summer time. I’d like to branch out and do other types, because music is music. Songs are songs.”

Lastly, his advice to members of the audience,

“Sacrifice. Believe that you can do it, study your craft and sell yourself, and you can do it.”

Glad to see fame hasn’t gotten to his head unlike most celebrities. Real talk, Bryan is a real humble dude. He literally tried to answer every question, which doesn’t happen very often. An audience member even brought a Boombox and played his demo right on the spot. Bryan admitted he was feelin’ the melody and gave him a lil’ advice about the hook. Not only was I really touched by his words of his wisdom, but other audience members were too as I saw notepads and pens in hands.

This post was written by

J'More – who has written 1560 posts on STR8NYC.COM.

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