Posted under Blind Item by LexAveThis black male celebrity wants to be a superstar so bad, that he will do anything, and I mean anything, to achieve this goal.Like many celebrities, he is also responsible for staging publicity stunts and incidents, his nickname is the “stuntmaster.” He even thought he would blow up after one of these publicity stunts. He mistakenly thought rich Hollywood women would be seeking him out for sex and help with the bills, he wanted to be a “kept man/gigolo.” He even told his boyz, he would get a rich sugar mama out of the deal, didn’t happen.Despite this letdown, he still parades around town like the ultimate playa with game on lock!
He lives way above his means and is barely surviving but he continues to go on expensive shopping sprees and he also purchases custom made jewelry. His car garage is also valued over $1 million dollars.
He is a self-proclaimed freak and there are at least two sex tapes of him that haven’t seen the light of day. On one of the tapes, he appears high, in the middle of a menage a trois, with a unconscious girl and a guy. Before this short film ends, the guy is touching and rubbing his backside and they seem to be gravitating towards one another and the girl seems unresponsive.
This would not be surprising because one of his boyz is rumored to have an underground sex tape business. He enjoys putting GHB in the drinks of women and filming them having sex. He then sells the tapes on the black market over the internet. He is currently being investigated for this practice.
Meanwhile, our male celebrity is struttin and stuntin all over Black Hollywood like he is the man.
In reality, he is barely keeping a roof over his head and barely keeping up with his car notes. If it wasn’t for the generosity of family and friends, he would be possibly living in a homeless shelter.
by: shay, Mar 24th at 6:45 pm
Gotabe Ray J
by: know this, Mar 24th at 8:55 pm
by: ladyfatstone, Mar 24th at 9:23 pm
why is ray j the guess for every blind item? is he the ONLY black man in hollywood?
by: NY Seedy, Mar 25th at 1:53 am