With all the Usher & Tameka spottings going on lately, can’t help but wonder…where the hell is the baby?! I’m starting to really believe Tameka, Usher’s monster pet, ate the child. 
Besides the many shopping sprees, Usher is taking time to film his new music video for his new single “Love In This Club”. Hold up…who’s that kid? Is that one of Tameka’s many other children? Funny to see Usher playing stepdad meanwhile we ain’t never seen Tameka spending time with any of her kids…I’m just saying.
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tameka kids was at they wedding they was at the basectball game and they was at the janet jackson corcert with usher and her when she was trying to hide her belly behind usher. and the older one was at there wedding to and then went to jail.and he is stillthere she got themoney to bail him out but she didnt and i dont think usher will not get invold with that to murch is really not his busness to step in . shm that they met at a footlocker whear she was working at the time.yes tameka worked in footlocker that why she dont wear sneackers. just bad shoes.
by: sweetfacetwo, Mar 22nd at 3:01 am
usher could do wayyyyyyyyyyy better then a ex con and her pass shm.
by: sweetfacetwo, Mar 22nd at 3:03 am
that’s right! I forgot he even had a kid!
by: cassie, Mar 23rd at 5:05 pm
usher toooooo sexy for her wit that cute baby face!~!~!~!
by: kbooker5, Mar 24th at 4:36 pm