Posted under Blind Item by LexAveDue to the prying eyes of the paparazzi, black celebrities who are into S&M are not patronizing underground torture chambers anymore (that gross $20,000 per week). Instead, they are going out of their way to hide their fetishes and remain discreet by having S&M dungeons constructed in their lavish homes.Home theaters used to be the rage, now black celebrities who indulge in BDSM are hiring contractors after they sign confidentiality agreements to built these S&M parlors on the premises.Everything is done in a veil of secrecy.
A well known black couple (in the black community) are not A-list but are desperately trying to keep up by purchasing expensive gear and hosting S&M orgies in their newly constructed (S&M) basement.
When the wife is not in the mood to role play (dominatrix) in a private session with her husband, they will hire an outside mistress to inflict pain on the husband while she watches. They spend so much money on this fetish, they have allegedly fallen behind on their bills (often between jobs) but they can’t seem to shake the addiction they have for deviate sex.
One famous black director has numerous women (starving models/actresses) come up to his home when he’s in the mood to play. He holds S&M auditions, asking them questions about their personal life and he usually targets attractive single mothers who are vanilla-because in his mind, they will tolerate more (pain) because they really need the money.
He likes to use whips on women, violently, often leaving marks. After the session, he pays them $5,000 to get lost. These women are also signed to secrecy agreements before they enter his home.
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