Author: LexAve  //  Category: On the Set


Beyonce was spotted on the set of Cadallic Records sportin’ her Etta James wig. Yeah Beyonce may look like the icon but can Beyonce embody her character…its all in the acting. Will Be finally score an Oscar…we’ll see. In other Beyonce movie news, her new flick Obsessed with Idris Elba is set to start shooting this summer. Word is there may be some intimate love scenes between the two…wonder if Jay will have a problem with this??

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5 Responses to “LOOK-A-LIKES OR NOT…”

  1. MissOMyGoodnezz Says:

    Beyonce does NOT look like Etta. The only thing they have in common is light skin and a lighter wig.

  2. T Says:

    ^^^Uh hello? You dont HAVE to look like the character you’re portraying. It’s all in the acting not the looks. Angela Bassett looked nothing like Tina Turner but she still killed the role. I think Beyonce does look like Etta but that’s not what’s important it’s all about the acting. I think Beyonce will do a good job.

  3. Jessika Says:

    Not a Beyonce Fan, But they do resemble.

  4. Babyboy and Mysti Says:

    I hope she does a good job.

  5. Shay Says:

    You are right. It is all about the acting which is something Beyowulf has yet to prove she can do Hopefully, she does a good job with this film not for herself, but for the legendary Etta James.

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