…Poor Aunt Viv looks in extreme pain as she attempts a wink at the paps. All those eye lift surgeries got her mug looking extra tight, bitch can’t even blink normally. That’s enough to quit the nip/tucks! And what’s going on with her Star Jones look-a-like sagging pancake boobs. Ewww…those puppies need a lift ASAP. Anywhoo check out Viv out & about with hot bitch Miss Jay at the Lacroix show in Paris yesterday. Trading 50 Cent for Miss Jay…major downgrade!

Is it me or could Aunt Viv pass for Rihanna’s mom….same do, of course that mean forhead?!
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LexAve – who has written 4269 posts on STR8NYC.COM.
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We got the new Mary and Jay joint if you want to hear it go to and go to our listen section, we keep the exclusive joints!!!
by: Soulfull Vibes, Feb 29th at 6:08 pm