Kelly Rowland stunned the crowd at the InStyle Best Beauty Buys Awards 2008 last night. Kizzy has always been a beauty…but did she get a lil’ nip/tuck done?? Shorty is looking a bit fuller around the girls…then again it could be some good scotch taping technique going on?? And what’s with the hairy armpitt action?? Sans the shaving and stick to the waxing! Either way Kizzy worked it out…shimmer and all.

Meanwhile Kelly wishes she had more self-confidence in her talent like Kanye does for himself. She recently said the following about West’s arrogance:
“People may see him go on stage and act cocky and arrogant but he’s just honest, like: ‘I’m good and I know I’m good.’ “What’s wrong with that I wouldn’t have (West’s song) Stronger as my ringtone if he wasn’t. In fact more artists should have a bit more of Kanye’s self-belief. I know I’d like to have a piece of that.”
Awww…poor Kizzy. Will someone please believe in her?!
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umm….I know it’s winter…but she needed a pit wax bad!
by: ATLien, Jan 30th at 4:37 pm
LOL this girl is a trip. sleevless + bush = not so glam look. No wonder she’s struggling with self-belief….although beyoncities is a pretty hard disease to get over
by: Ren, Feb 1st at 5:02 pm