Not long ago, he was king of the hill. He charged six figures for production and beats. He rolled around town in exotic whips, (Lambos, Ferrari’s, Hummers). He also lived in a few mansions and had a harem of women on redial (black, white and Latino).It all came crashing down when he developed a taste for cocaine.He currently has a $2,000 per day cocaine habit.
When he does open his curtains and comes out of his dark room, his new tracks lack creativity and are sloppy at best. Lyrics and beats are no longer a priority.
The only thing that matters is his next hit.
He is beginning to look homeless. People are wondering, what the hell happened to him?
He also becomes easily agitated and he’s obnoxious.
He is in debt to a East Coast drug dealer for $40,000. Rumor has it that he owes nearly $50,000 to a West Coast drug dealer.
His cash flow is so low, he’s trying to borrow money from former artists he produced to cover his drug debts.
He’s hit rock bottom.
You don’t have to be a fan of music producers to know who he is.
I got my guesses on this one! But one really stands out, he’s also known as “Piano Man”. Then again…I could be wrong.
um….scott storch?! Thats “piano man” right?! I guess it kinda makes sense…
Its like Timbalaand said on that one track when he was dissing scott storch “Thats why Im a real producer and you just a piano man”. Plus, Storchie aint had a hit in a while
Yeah. Its gotta be Scott Storch. I can picture his Powder looking ass now.
Poor Dude! Hasnt been the same since Lil Kim left his ass! LOL!!!
i would say Dallas Austin (Chili from TLC baby daddy) remember he got caught overseas w/ the yayo…
I got it after the first sentence. lol. Also, “Piano Man” made it undeniable: Scott Storch.
So these are real? I stopped reading “Guess Who”s because someone said that the reason there’s no answer given is because it’s fake.
I think it could be DeVante of Jodeci. I heard about his drug habits.
my guess was storch too. must have serious issues going on. this is a white jewish man. kim? don’t be flattered. got issues, not broke.
why am i not posting?
scott scorch