Posted under Blind Item by LexAveThis black female celebrity has hit the ground running. She’s a man-eater and there is no shame in her game.She doesn’t even care if the man she’s after is married, All that matters: If he can be helpful to her career.She is ruthless, cunning and manipulative. It’s all about her and she’s going to get hers no matter what!
When a man proves to be no longer helpful to her dreams and aspirations, he’s kicked to the curb without hesitation. She operates by the motto: “Use them and lose them, get what you need and move on.”
A few weeks ago, rumors were circulating that she had a famous new boyfriend, this is a publicity stunt worked up by her publicist. Whispers indicate, that this is an elaborate smokescreen because she has her sights set on a black married celebrity.
He’s ignored her advances thus far but she is determined to have an affair with him because she thinks he can be helpful to her career and she thinks he’s the finest man she’s ever seen.
She’s developing a bad reputation (early on) due to her overly aggressive and immoral behavior.
Who is she? Who is the famous smokescreen boyfriend? Who is the married black male celebrity?
Hint: She’s not an actress
by: sbabyface, Dec 26th at 7:20 pm
Trina has been a hoe and always will be. Thats her game and you cant knock it…
by: mekapooh, Dec 26th at 9:10 pm
Isn’t it the tony parker’s thing ?
by: fatou, Dec 26th at 10:41 pm
kim kardashin
by: jazminejj, Dec 28th at 8:47 am
The video vixen hoe
by: Creamy, Dec 28th at 7:31 pm
This one is pretty obvious, it’s Selita “the forehead” Eubanks. I believe her latest victim is James Blake an african american tennis player. If anything the bloggers say about her is true (which it seems to be) my guess is that the married celeb she is trying to get at would be either Will Smith or Denzel Washington because she seems to be shooting for the top of totem pole.
by: Bran Bran, Dec 30th at 3:43 pm
Supahead….the smokescreen is Darious McCrary and the target is Will Smith…I’m guessing.
by: DenDenise, Jan 14th at 7:20 pm